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Creating Picking Queues on the Picking Dashboard
Creating Picking Queues on the Picking Dashboard

Automatically prioritise orders to be picked

Updated over 10 months ago

Picking Queues

The Picking Dashboard contains your Picking Queues. These are used to automate which types of orders should be picked first. By setting up queues you can ensure that your pickers are prioritising the right orders at the right time. All your pickers need to do is click Accept Batch on the Veeqo Scanner.

To view the queues head to Dashboard> Tags Picking Dashboard. You need to have the relevant user permissions to access this.

By default the Picking Dashboard will have one picking queue called Other Orders. This queue contains all Ready To Ship orders that aren't in any other queue.

  • 44 - The larger number is the total number of products that are left to pick.

  • 41 at the start of the working day - This shows how many items were left over from the previous day that still needs to be picked. To change how Veeqo calculates the time your day starts adjust the option What time do you start picking at the location in Settings>Digital Picking.

  • 0 picked - The total number of items that have been picked today

Adding New Queues

To create a new queue hit + New Queue then select one of your Order Tags. Any orders that have the tag will be grouped into that queue. As orders can have multiple tags they may appear in more than one queue. But once it's been picked it will be removed from all the queues.

To add orders into a specific queue simply tag them with the matching order tag. You can tag orders manually or automatically tag them using Order Rules. E.g. IF an order is going to the Mexico and the allocation weight is greater than 11000g = apply Fedex order tag.

Tip: There's no limit to the number of queues you can add. You should bear in mind that for every queue you add the less likely orders with similar products will be able to be kept in the same pick. This can negatively impact the efficiency of your picks.

The most popular way to use Picking Queues is to setup tags based on the different carriers you ship with. Order Rules are setup to automatically tag orders based on the carrier that is used to dispatch the order. You can then prioritise picking orders by the carrier that collects first.

Prioritising Queues

Once you have created you can move them around so they are in priority order (top left to right).

You can also temporarily turn off a particular queue if you need your pickers to focus on other types of orders first. For example, you could bypass prioritising orders that are to be collected by Fedex if driver has already collected that day. This way your pickers can focus on picking your DHL orders who are still scheduled to collect. You can then re-enable the Fedex queue and pick them again at the end of the day ready for next days collection.

Delete a Queue
If you want to permanently remove a queue from your dashboard hit the trashcan icon.

To temporarily disable a queue toggle the checkbox in the top right hand corner of the queue.

Further reading...

  • If you'd like to get to grips and understand how Veeqo uses your Picking Queues to assign specific products to pickers check out this detailed guide.

  • For the most efficient picking experience we recommend setting Bin Locations for each of your products in Veeqo.

  • To improve accuracy you should scan the barcodes of your products when picking. The barcodes need to be saves against each of your products in Veeqo. If this information didn't automatically get created from one of your stores you can manually add this by following this guide


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