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Order Rules Overview
Updated over a week ago

Automate some of your day-to-day tasks in Veeqo by setting order rules to perform the following actions:

  • Assign order tags

  • Setting shipping carrier and services 

  • Creating internal note

​Common usage of order rules

  • Auto selecting the right shipping carrier and service depending on order weight/value/destination/customer choice.

  • Tag orders when they contain certain products or

  • If order weight is very high send by different shipping carrier

  • If it's an Amazon Prime order set urgent tag and place into VIP picking queue

  • Creating picking batches (order tags) based around each of your shipping carrier (or however your group orders for picking).


  • If you find that the rules that you have created are not catching on your order(s), this could be due to there being conflicting rules or the rule has been created after the order had pulled through. For best practice when creating your rules it is best to ensure that your rules are unique and contain as much detail as possible in order for them not to conflict with one another.

  • If you create a rule, this rule will not apply to orders that already exist in Veeqo. This will only apply to new orders that pull through that fit the rule criteria. To get the rule to 'trigger' on existing orders in Veeqo, please click into the individual order > click Edit > Save.

Setting up your rules

Read the guides below on the triggers > conditions > actions you can use with rules and start creating your own.

You can find the Order rules feature under Settings > Rules.

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