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Available Order Rule Conditions
Updated over a week ago

For a detailed breakdown on Veeqo's Order Rules feature please check out the Order Rules Overview guide.


The store that the order was created from. This will be shown as a list of store names e.g. "Main Site" and not store types e.g. "Amazon"

Comparison: equal, not equal

Delivery Method

The delivery option chosen by the customer during checkout.

Comparison: equal, not equal

Delivery Method Name

Similar to Delivery Method condition but it allows you to enter partial text instead of choosing an exact Delivery Method

Comparison: equal, not equal, in, not in, begins with, doesn't begin with, contains, doesn't contain, ends with, doesn't end with, is empty, is not empty, is null, is not null

Destination Country

Select one or more countries used in the orders Shipping Address.

Comparison: in, not in

Total Price

The value of the orders final price paid by the customer, including taxes and delivery.

Comparison: less, greater, between


The name of the location that the items were allocated from

Comparison: in, not in

Total Weight

The total weight of the allocation. Note that this is not the total weight of the order as an order can be split into more than one allocation

Comparison: less, greater, between


To determine of an allocation is being re-shipped. Handy if you want to choose a different service or carrier when re-shipping items to your customers.

Only available on allocation rules

Comparison: Reshipment

Check if an order has been used to generate any printed document.

Comparison: Not printer, printed

Amazon Prime

An order is an Amazon Prime Order

Comparison: Equal, not equal.

Product Tag

The products inside an order/allocation have a specific tag

Comparison: Contains all, contains some, contains none

Destination Postcode

Check if an order has a specific postcode. You can enter a partial or full postcode. This is only available on Order rules and not Allocation rules. Current postcode formats that are supported are:

  • Canada (CA)

  • Germany (DE)

  • United Kingdom (UK)

  • United States (US)

Comparisons: Begins with, Does not begin with

Note: To add multiple postcodes you should create extra conditions

Picked Status

If an order has been marked as picked or is not currently picked. An order can be marked as picked by Digital Picking or in app from Orders>Pick.

Comparisons: Equal, not equal

Order Tags

Fine-tune picking batches, switch shipping carriers and add internal notes, all based on your order tags. e.g. Orders tagged with Fraud should not be included in any picking batches, orders tagged with urgent should be switched to a different carrier, add an internal note saying "Fraud" so that it will appear in the printed picking list for the packer to know to check before shipping.

Comparisons: In

Order Status

Only available on Order Rules and not Allocation Rules. Checks if the order status is currently in:

  • Awaiting Amazon Fulfilment

  • Awaiting Amazon Stock

  • Awaiting Fulfilment

  • Awaiting Stock

  • Awaiting Payment

  • Cancelled

  • Refunded

  • Shipped.

Comparisons: in

Combined Product Dimensions

Only available in Allocation Rules and not Order Rules. Triggers when the total dimensions of the products match. e.g. if you have an order with the following products:

1 x Apple (Height: 10, Width: 15, Depth: 5)

1 x Pear (Height: 4, Width: 2, Depth: 11)

Then the following rule will trigger:

"Greater Than - Height: 9, Width: 10, Depth: 10"

Comparisons: Less than, greater than

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