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Picking onboarding wizard

The picking onboarding wizard allows you to manually select orders to add to a picking batch and assign them to a picker of your choice.

Updated over a week ago


  1. Tick the check box to the left of the orders you would like to add to your batch.

  2. Click Actions > Pick.

  3. If the order is already marked as picked or partially picked you will get a pop- up letting you know that this will not be added to the batch. Click exclude orders and continue.

  4. If you have used this feature before you will be given the option to pick with saved preferences. If not, you will need to set up your preferences.

Set up picking preferences

  1. Click “Let’s Get Picking!”

  2. Choose if you want to pick digitally or with paper picking lists and click next.

Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 11.53.21.png

Paperless picking

  1. You will be taken to a page showing how to download the Veeqo app. If you already use digital picking click continue setup. If you do not, follow the setup guides provided.

  2. Choose to auto assign the batch to the next available picker or assign to a specific picker.


3. If you are assigning to a specific picker select the picker from the drop down menu.

4. Click “Assign Picking List”.

5. Select how your pickers will collect the Items from the options provided > Select your location and click next.

6. Choose whether you would like to split the orders amongst the team.

This will then automatically create a batch and assign this to a picker based on the preferences set.

Important: Any orders added to the batch which is not assigned to the location you have chosen while setting up will be excluded from the batch.

Printed paper

  1. Choose which document type you would like to print.

  2. If you choose packing slip/ invoices your documents will be ready to print. For pick list, choose between single container or multiple container pick lists and select a location.

  3. Once this is done your document will print to pick your order.

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