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Import Barcodes via CSV
Updated over a week ago

Importing barcodes to Veeqo can make the following processes more efficient and accurate:

Prepare Your Barcode Upload File

1. Go to your Veeqo Inventory page

2. Export the products for which you're importing barcodes

3. Select All Locations

Note: We recommend selecting Do Not Export Description Column for a quicker export

Your barcode CSV file must have the following columns:

  • sku_code (this SKU code must exist as a Veeqo product SKU and can't be blank)

  • upc_code (enter your barcodes in this column)

  • product_title

  • sales_price

  • tax_rate

Upload your Barcode file

1. Head to the Inventory Page and click Upload

2. Select the location you want to upload stock to and set the IMPORT TYPE to All

3. Click NEXT

4. Click Upload data from file

5. Select your locally stored CSV file

6. Click Yes for Does this row contain column names?

7. Map your column headers to the matching Veeqo data field

Your SKU column header needs to map to the Veeqo data field titled SKU
Your barcode column header needs to map to the Veeqo data field titled Barcode

8. If Veeqo correctly matches your column headers, click on Confirm mapping

If it doesn't, click on the dropdown arrow to select the matching value

9. Click Review

10. Click Complete

11. Click Yes for Are you ready to submit?

12. You will receive an e-mail to the user e-mail address that you are currently logged in as to confirm whether the import was successful or failed

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