Column Title | Description | Example | Required |
sku_code | Your company’s own unique product identifier code | GH4472-WHT | YES |
product_title | The title you want your product to be called. This will be the title displayed on your printing templates and emails from Veeqo to your customers | Deck Chair | YES |
variant_title | If your product is available in different sizes, colors etc. This is where you would enter the name of this particular type | White | NO |
sales_price | The retail price of your product | 5.99 | YES |
cost_price | The price your company pays for the product | 2.99 | YES |
description | The product description | A brand new garden chair | NO |
brand | The product brand associates with this item. If you are adding a new brand that isn’t already in Veeqo it will automatically get created when you upload the CSV file | Wholesale Chairs | NO |
upc_code | The barcode or unique product code for the item. This can be printed out in barcode format, however it will need to be entered in numerical format on the CSV | 1254387817 | NO |
qty_on_hand | This is the current physical stock level minus the allocated stock. Do not amend this field if you want to adjust your stock level | 10 | NO |
total_qty | This is your physical stock level. If you are wanting to adjust your actual stock level you should amend this field | 15 | YES |
total_stock_value | This is the financial value of your current stock level (cost_price * total_qty) | 44.85 | YES |
image_url | Location of the image file for your product | NO | |
weight_grams | Product weight measure in grams | 10 | YES |
product_id | Do not change this. This number is the unique identity that is assigned to your product. If you are importing new products that you want to create then leave this column blank | 54738 | NO |
min_reorder_level | This is the threshold when you want Veeqo to notify you that is the time to re-order the product | 50 | NO |
max_reorder_level | This is the Maximum quantity you can store at that location | 100 | NO |
quantity_to_reorder | Enter a typical amount that you would order for this product. This is used as the default re-order amount for the product when creating a PO (Purchase Order). The default amount can be amended prior to completing the PO | 10 | NO |
location | BIN locations are used to know where your stock is kept in your location. This is information is visible on the stock take feature and some printed documents | shelf5-row2 | NO |
width | The width dimension of the product | 203 | NO |
height | The height dimension of the product | 112 | NO |
depth | The depth dimension of the product | 54 | NO |
dimension_unit | The unit of measurement. This can either be CM or inches. If this is left blank the default of CM will be used | cm | NO |
tax_rate | The percentage tax rate used for your product | 20 | YES |
product_properties | Additional details about your product. Used when creating listing profiles | {"Manufacture":"Logitech","Expiry Date":"07-11-2022"} | NO |
variant_options | Additional details about your variant options | {"Size":"Medium","Color":"Brown"} | NO |
tariff_code | Add your harmonized commodity code/HS code/tariff code in bulk against your products | 94018000 | NO |
tags | You can add and export tags. You can add new tags by separating them with a comma | New,Used | NO |
country_origin_code | Represents the country of manufacture where a product comes from | CN | NO |