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Connecting your PrestaShop store
Updated over a week ago

How does the PrestaShop integration work?

  • Every 10 minutes, new orders will download from PrestaShop to Veeqo;

  • When you ship an order in Veeqo, PrestaShop is updated with the details. This includes the fulfillment status, any tracking numbers along with an email confirmation sent to your customer;

  • Every 60 minutes Veeqo checks for new products in PrestaShop to downloaded, shipments created in PrestaShop are synced;

  • If Veeqo is master of stock when stock levels change in Veeqo the changes will be pushed to PrestaShop immediately.

How to connect your PrestaShop store:

  1. Go settings and select Marketplaces & e-commerce integrations

  2. Click '+New Store' and you will be directed to the New Sales Channel Wizard;

  3. Select PrestaShop;

4. Add the details of your PrestaShop store:

Name: Give your store a name to be used in Veeqo. e.g. ‘PrestaShop UK'

Default Location: Select which location you want to use for this particular store. You may have multiple locations and select a specific one for this particular store e.g. You might have a location in London for shipping your PrestaShop UK Orders and one in New York for shipping your PrestaShop US orders.

Currency: Select the currency which you are selling in on this store. e.g. For PrestaShop UK you may be selling in British Pound whereas PrestaShop US may be US Dollar. Veeqo will convert any orders from these stores into the set base currency of your Veeqo account.

PrestaShop URL: This is not your domain name but your admin URL followed by /api. This should look like this

5. Configure advanced setting of your PrestaShop store:

Before filling in your ‘Sync’ settings please note that when enabling Veeqo Master of Stock price will be pushed without taxes, so final price on remote store might be different. 

6. Once you are happy with your settings hit 'Save';

7. Your store will then appear in Veeqo as INACTIVE;

8. To fully connect your store you will need to:

  1. Authorize the connection. For this you need your URL and Access Key;

  2. Map PrestaShop order statuses to Veeqo order statuses. 

9. Click on your inactive store, and select ‘AUTHORIZE CONNECTION’.

How to generate an Access Key on PrestaShop:

  1. Login to your PrestaShop Store;

  2. Go to Advanced Parameters tab;

  3. Select Webservice;


4. Click Generate to create a new API Key;

5. Select permissions (we have suggested permissions below);

6. Save API key;

7. Copy the newly generated API key.  

Here are the permissions we suggest customers select for integrating with Veeqo:


How to Map order statuses:

Once you have entered and Access Key your channel you will need to map PrestaShop order statuses to match the ones in Veeqo. 

Mapping is done after authorizing a channel, select the order status that matches Veeqos. This will make sure they are filtered correctly when they are pulled through to Veeqo. 

(Press Alt as a short cut to map statuses) 

Once you are happy hit Save and your products and orders will start pulling into Veeqo. This can take from 30minutes to a few hours.

Your status mapping can be changed in the future if you would like, and you can do this by navigating to your Settings > Stores > selecting your Prestashop store > Authorize Connection > Edit:

Please note: This can be actioned by anyone who has access to the store settings.

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