There are three ways to create products in Veeqo
Products are automatically created in Veeqo after your sales channel is connected
Create products in bulk via CSV (this article's focus)
Before You Start
Make sure you have a CSV store in Veeqo
Prepare your import file:
Click here to download a sample CSV to import your products.
Fill in the appropriate information. This is the what will be assigned to the product and be visible in Veeqo. Please be sure to include the required fields shown below, everything else is optional
Note: Keep the product_id
column blank as Veeqo will fill this on import!
Required fields
The following key fields must be filled in when trying to import new products
sku_code | The product SKU |
product_title | The name of your product, or title you use in listings | White Cotton T-Shirt |
variant_title | The variant title (if your product uses variants). NOTE: please write "default" if you don't use variants | XL |
sales_price | The retail price of the item | 14.99 |
tax_rate | The tax rate of the product as a decimal, this example shows a tax rate of 20%. NOTE: this field is not required but cannot be uploaded blank. Either provide data or input as zero | 0.2 |
Note: For products with variations, keep the product_title
value the same ("White Cotton T-Shirt" as shown in the above sample file) and then just set a value for the variant_title
to specify the variant value ("Size" in this example).
How to Import
On the Inventory page, click Upload
If you are also importing stock levels, select the relevant location and leave the IMPORT TYPE as All
Click NEXT
Click Upload data from file
Click Yes for Does this row contain column names?
Make sure that columns that contain data have the status of ✔ Confirmed mapping, while blank columns can remain in that status of Ignored
a. To change the status from Ignored to Confirmed mapping, click on the Edit button next to the column status
b. Click the Lookup matching fields dropdown menu and select the matching Veeqo data field to your CSV column name
c. Click the Confirm mapping button
Click Review and you will be shown all of the information you have just imported.
You can now review any issues and correct them by selecting Only show rows with problems
Click Yes for the Are you ready to submit? prompt
Once the import is completed, we send an email to the user who has performed the CSV import.
If your import has failed for any reason, we will notify you with the error so you can correct it in the CSV and re-import. This is also displayed in the email we send to the user.
To troubleshoot any errors during import please check out the Troubleshooting section below.
How to Export Products
On occasions, you may want to export your products from Veeqo to either access useful product information in bulk / perform edits to your products, or download your stock levels.
Go to the Inventory Page
If you only want to export specific variants, you can ticket the check box on those variants. If you don't want to export specific variants skip this step.
Click Actions
Click Export CSV
If you didn't choose specific variants to esport, choose which items to export from your catalog. You can export:
All variants: Export your entire product catalog (this could take some time to generate depending on the size)
Current page: Export only the product variants on the page
Selected variants: Export only the product variants selected
All filtered variants: Export only the product variants in the filter
After selecting export CSV, you will be prompted to select how you want your stock levels to export. You can either:
Select all Locations, if you want to see the stock of all locations combined
Choose a specific location to see the stock levels and bin locations from that location
You have the option to also export supplier, supplier prices, and references.
Supplier Name
Cost Price
Supplier Reference
Note: We recommend against exporting product description, as some products may contain HTML code that can corrupt the file and lead to longer export times.
All Available Fields
Below is a table containing all fields that are available for importing and exporting products via CSV, as well as 8 additional fields that will be on product CSV exports only.
Import and Export |
| sku_code | The product SKU |
| product_title | The name of your product, or title you use in listings | White Cotton T-Shirt |
| variant_title | The variant title (if your product uses variants). NOTE: please write "default" if you don't use variants | XL |
| sales_price | The retail price of the item | 21.99 |
| tax_rate | The tax rate of the product as a decimal, this example shows a tax rate of 20%. NOTE: this field is not required but cannot be uploaded blank. Either provide field or delete the column | 0.2 |
| cost_price | The cost of the item | 4.99 |
| description | The product description | New, bright white T-shirt made from organic cotton |
| brand | The product brand associates with this item. If you are adding a new brand that isn’t already in Veeqo it will automatically get created when you upload the CSV file | Wholesale Clothes |
| upc_code | The barcode or unique product code for the item. This can be printed out in barcode format, however it will need to be entered in numerical format on the CSV | 1254387817 |
| image_url | Link to the product image. NOTE: only one image can be uploaded per product at a time | |
| country_origin_code | Country code for where the product was made. This should be the ISO2 code | GB |
| weight | The product weight | 130 |
| weight_unit | The unit of measurement for weight of the product | oz |
| min_reorder_level | Set a level which, when reached, Veeqo will add the product to the demand forecast report | 15 |
| quantity_to_reorder | When the product is added to the demand forecast report, this value will be default on the Purchase Order created | 200 |
| max_reorder_level | This will place a limit on the reorder quantity. The value will be capped even if the Demand Forecast report predicts you need more | 220 |
| width | Product width | 35 |
| depth | Product depth | 2 |
| height | Product height | 55 |
| dimensions_unit | The unit of measurement for length of the product | cm |
| estimated_delivery | The approximate number of days it takes to ship this product | 4 |
| tags | Any tags which you want to be applied to the product. These should already exist in Veeqo. | New, Used |
| product_properties | This has to be added in JSON format | {} |
| variant_options | This has to be added in JSON format | {} |
| tariff_code | The customs code, also known as a HS code | 94018000 |
| total_qty | Number of this product in stock | 152 |
Export only |
| location | BIN locations are used to know where your stock is kept in your location. This is information is visible on some printed documents and with Digital Picking | shelf5-row2 |
| qty_on_hand | Should not be imported, calculated by Veeqo | N/A |
| total_stock_value | Should not be imported, monetary value of the stock | N/A |
| supplier_id | This is the internal ID generated by Veeqo | 228897 |
| supplier_name | The name of the supplier associated to the product. If multiple suppliers are used for one product, each supplier field will follow the format supplier_[ID]_field, e.g. supplier_228897_name | Wholesale Outfitters |
| supplier_ref | The reference number the supplier uses to identify the product | 456122 |
| supplier_cost | What the supplier charges per unit of the product | 3.49 |
| product_id | Generated by exporting the products from Veeqo. This is a unique identifier for your product in Veeqo | 123456 |
NOTE: If you leave the weight_unit
column empty, it will default to using grams, this field will accept the following options for the weight unit:
NOTE: Similarly, if you leave the dimensions_unit column empty, it will default to using centimetres. This field will accept the following options for the dimensions unit:
NOTE: For CSV imports, export only fields can be left blank
Troubleshooting CSV Errors
If you're having trouble importing your product CSV, you can check below to see if there is a solution to your error. If you are unable to locate a solution below, then please get in touch with us!
CSV download opens as text in a new browser window
Once your export is ready and you've clicked 'DOWNLOAD' from the new notification in the top right of the navigation bar, the file may open with all the data as a text file. If this happens, you need to save this to create the CSV file by selecting CMD + S (for mac) or CTRL + S (for windows).
Please check your input
This error occurs when you try to import a large amount of products into Veeqo. The threshold is between 3,000 - 5,000 products. If you import above that amount, you may find that the the file does not import. It is recommended that if you have a large amount of products to import that you split the file up into chunks.
Product descriptions including HTML when importing
If you've exported your products leaving the 'do not export description column' unchecked, your products would have exported with their full descriptions in the CSV. This would include any HTML descriptions. Please note that if you edit your exported CSV to update your products in bulk, when re-importing the CSV the extra characters (such as < , > , / ) from the HTML descriptions will cause the upload to fail.
Header title can't be blank
Header names can't be blank on the first line of your CSV. The first line of your CSV header should look like those listed in the table above, with no blank headers/columns in the table.
Invalid characters in row abc
This error is caused by invalid characters included in the CSV you're trying to import. To fix this, check your CSV file is UTF-8 encoded* or go through the file and remove the invalid characters (e.g. ?, !, #). Dashes ( - ) are accepted. Remember to check for extra white spaces at the end of the first line!
NOTE: To enable UTF-8 encoding, open the file in Notepad and when you save it, make sure that UTF-8 encoding is specified in the save dialog.
Invalid characters in number fields
Your CSV either has letters or is blank where the file is expecting numbers. Please check the fields have the correct characters. For example, when adding a product price if a currency symbol (£) is used this will cause an error.
Barcode / UPC looks strange after importing
If you've noticed your Barcode / UPC is no longer working or looks strange, it may be due to the decimal places setting in your spreadsheet editor. To check if your decimal places setting is at 0 for the Barcode / UPC column, open the CSV in Excel. If your Barcode / UPC column looks similar to the screenshot below, select the column. Right click one of the cells and select 'FORMAT CELLS'. Select 'NUMBER' from the category column, set the 'DECIMAL PLACES' to 0 and hit 'OK'.
Cost Price is not a number
This error usually means that there is a value in the cost_price field that isn't a number.
Illegal Quoting in line X
This is down to an illegal character being present in the line number quoted,
Invalid "variant_options" field
The error usually reveals that you need to ensure that this field is in a JSON format
Example: {"Size":"Large","Color":"Red"}. This can also happen for "product_description".
The title can't be blank
This error usually means that that a column with the word 'title' is blank.
For example, there is a product missing its product title