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Product Report

See your sales performance by SKU. Drill down into revenue, COGS, units sold and more metrics.

Updated over a week ago

This report gives you access to a breakdown of your sales by product.

You can export your product report, which will be sent to your notification bell in Veeqo (top right corner) once it has downloaded.


  • Stock quantity is calculated in near real-time. The other metrics of the report will be updated within 10 minutes with the exception of product tags which can take up to 60 minutes.

  • Please be aware that your DELETED products will still be viewable in the report for historical sales performance. Deleted products will be listed regardless of the date period selected.

Product report column definitions

Product report column



SKU stands for Stock keeping unit. A unique identifier per product variation.


Physical inventory on hand.


Units sold but not yet shipped.


Inventory incoming from a supplier.

In Transit

Inventory due to arrive from another of your locations.

Price per unit

Average sales price per single unit. Calculated by: Sales revenue excluding sales tax / units sold.

Cost price

The weighted average of multiple units costs over a period of time. You can manually set cost price in Veeqo or if you use our purchase order module, we will calculate it automatically as you make purchases.

Cover 14

How much inventory you would need to order to ensure you had enough for the next 14 days. Calculated using last 30 days sales.

Cover 30

How much inventory you would need to order to ensure you had enough for the next 30 days. Calculated using last 30 days sales.

Cover 90

How much inventory you would need to order to ensure you had enough for the next 90 days. Calculated using last 30 days sales.

Sell through

How much time before you run out of inventory based on your last 30 days sales. Calculated by: Available inventory / (Units sold for last 30 days / 30).

Units sold

The number of products sold excluding any sold as part of a kit/bundle product.

Units sold in kits

The number of this product which was sold as part of kit/bundle product.

Total units sold

Units sold + units sold in bundles.


Units sold * (Sales price - cost price). Excludes sales tax and this excludes units sold in bundles.

Profit %

Profit / Net sales

Net sales

Total sales revenue for this product excluding sales tax but includes discounts and shipping revenue.

Report Views

When opening the Product report, it is set to the default OVERVIEW grouped by By Product. Data can be grouped by:

  • Product - Whether it's a simple or variant product, it will show data for the product as a whole.

  • Variant - This will drill down a product with multiple variations to give the data for each variation.

  • Options - This will drill down a product with multiple variations into the individual options. E.g. If you have a t-shirt in options (small, medium, large) and (grey, green, blue), you would be able to see all the small options grouped together.

Once you've selected your grouping, you can change the data you'd like to view. By changing the Show dropdown, the breakdown of your group by X your show option will then form the graph.

Report Filters

Use the left-hand filter panel to filter your selected data by:

  • Store (Sales Channel)

  • Product Tag

  • Product Brand

  • Location

Searching for a product

If you're looking for a particular product or want to view all variants of that product on its own, use the search bar to find it. You can search by product name or product SKU.

If you find that a product does not contain a SKU and you are unable to identify what it is. We recommend taking the product title and searching that on the Inventory page and updating the SKU for the product.

Why is my profit not showing?

Veeqo calculates your profit using an Average Cost Price for each product. Make sure all your Veeqo products have a cost price. You can do this in bulk by following the Update/Edit Products In Bulk and updating the cost-price column of your products.

Refunded or cancelled orders

If a product has been sold and then later returned or the order has been cancelled, this will then update and remove the sales data for that product and order.

View a breakdown of your products order history

Once you've selected the filters to display the data you're after, select a cell of data and this will show the breakdown of the order history for that period.

This will show each individual order's details.


How to use the date selector

Filter date ranges by:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Last 90 days

  • Last month

  • Last 12 months

  • Week to date

  • Month to date

  • Year to date

  • Custom

To show a custom date range, select the dates you'd like to show in the calendar to switch to those dates: 


Comparing against the previous date period

When you choose a previous period to compare against you will see this data in a summary table in small grey font.

Choose from the following option to compare against.

  • Previous Day - The day before.

  • Previous Week - The same day (i.e. Monday) in the week before

  • Previous Month - The same date (i.e. 17th) in the previous month.

  • Previous Year - The same date (i.e. 17th) in the previous year.

See your data grouped by day, week or month

You can change the graph and table to split any time periods into the following:

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

Note: If the text for any of these options is greyed out, they cannot be selected for the date range/data values. For example, if you select "Last 12 months" you can not choose "Day" as there is not enough room on the screen to show the data.

Sort by column

Select a column header in the table to then sort the data by that column (highest value to lowest). Select the same header again to sort by lowest value to highest for that column.

Show and hide columns

Columns can be turned on / off to give you more space or if there are only certain data points you want to view.

Note: Turning columns off here will not affect the CSV export, all columns will be included in the export.

Export sales data to a spreadsheet (CSV)

When exporting sales data, it is exported to a CSV file which you can view in a spreadsheet program such as MS Excel or Google Sheets.

There is the option to download the sales summary or the order history.


The summary will download a spreadsheet file that includes:

  • The Products/Variants/Options you are displaying

  • SKU

  • Stock

  • Allocated

  • Incoming

  • Cost Price

  • Price per Unit

  • Cover 14 days

  • Cover 30 days

  • Cover 90 days

  • Sell through rate

  • Units sold

  • Units Sold In Kits

  • Profit

  • Profit Margin Percent

  • Net Sales



The order history will download a spreadsheet file that includes a full Order CSV export with all order details.

(Please note: This CSV will be created in the background and be ready to download from the notifications bar when ready.)

Popular reports

Product Report

Keep the GROUP BY dropdown on BY PRODUCT to only show insights about whole products. This report is the default OVERVIEW when the Product Report is first opened. To return to this view, select OVERVIEW in the SHOW dropdown.

To then view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the cost price, average price per unit, units sold, profit, % profit or gross sales. Don't forget to use the left hand filters to drill down further by: channel, product tag, product brand, location.


Product Variant Report

To view a breakdown per product variant, select BY VARIANT in the GROUP BY dropdown. To just view the data overview of your channels, leave OVERVIEW selected in the SHOW dropdown. 

To then view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the cost price, average price per unit, units sold, profit, % profit or gross sales. Don't forget to use the left hand filters to drill down further by: channel, product tag, product brand, location.


Product Options Report

To view a breakdown per sales channel, select BY OPTIONS in the GROUP BY dropdown. To just view the data overview of your channels, leave OVERVIEW selected in the SHOW dropdown. 

To then view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the cost price, average price per unit, units sold, profit, % profit or gross sales. Don't forget to use the left hand filters to drill down further by: channel, product tag, product brand, location.


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