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Sales Report

See an overview of your sales across different channels. Drill down into revenue, COGS, margin and more metrics

Updated over a week ago

See an overview of your sales across different channels. Drill down into revenue, COGS, margin, and more metrics.

Your report currency will be converted based on your base currency selected in your General Settings

Show different sales metrics

When opening the Sales report, it defaults to the Overview view and grouped by Date / Time

The overview gives you a summary of what your sales revenue is made up of, but if you want to more detailed trends of certain metrics (such as sales revenue) then change the view by clicking the dropdown.

Group by different dimensions

Categorize your sales data by the following dimensions:

  • Date

  • Channel

  • Brands

  • Countries

  • Order status

  • Users

  • Order tags

  • Product tags

  • Wholesale customers


Use the following filters to narrow down your reporting:

  • Channels

  • Order Status

  • Include shipping revenue in gross profit? This option allows you to decide if you want any shipping revenue included when we calculate your gross profit.

See sales from specific date ranges

You can select a date period to see your sales revenue for that and you can also choose to compare to a previous period.

Compare against a previous date period

When you choose a previous period to compare against you will see this data in a summary table in small grey font.

See your data grouped by day, week or month

You can change the graph and table to split any time periods into the following:

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

Note: If the text for any of these options is greyed out, they cannot be selected for the date range/data values. For example, if you select "Last 12 months" you can not choose "Day" as there is not enough room on the screen to show the data

Sales Report column definitions




Date period of sales revenue

Gross Sales

Sales revenue including sales tax, shipping revenue and discounts

Net Sales

Sales revenue including shipping revenue and discounts but excluding sales tax

Total Tax

Total sales tax

Shipping Revenue

Total shipping revenue for all your orders. This is already included in the sales revenue column.

Cost of Goods Sold

The total cost of all products sold. Using products average cost price, excluding any sales tax which is stored in Veeqo. Formula: Products average cost price * qty of items sold.

Gross Profit

Sales revenue excluding sales tax - cost of goods sold. There is a switch to decide if shipping revenue should be included or excluded for this column


Profit/sales revenue excluding sales tax.

Units Sold

The number of products/items sold.

Marketplace Fees

Amazon and eBay fees. Amazon fees can take 2-4 days to appear after the order date.

Order Qty

The number of orders

Average Order Value

Sales including sales tax / number of orders.

Sort by column

Select a column header in the table to then sort the data by that column (highest value to lowest). Select the same header again to sort by lowest value to highest for that column.

Show and hide columns

Columns can be turned on / off to give you more space or if there are only certain data points you want to view.

Note: Turning columns off here will not affect the CSV export, all columns will be included in the export.

Drill down to individual orders

You can drill down to see the individual orders that make up the report data. Select a cell (the background turns blue) and then click it.

Scroll down the page you will see a new section called Order history has appeared which lists every order from the cell you clicked.

You can export all of those orders by clicking the CSV button to the right.

Export sales data to a spreadsheet (CSV)

When exporting sales data, it is exported to a CSV file which you can view in a spreadsheet program.

You have the option to download the sales summary or the order history.


The summary will download a CSV spreadsheet file that includes:

  • The group by type you have selected

  • Gross Sales

  • Net Sales

  • Total Tax

  • Shipping Price

  • Sales Cost

  • Gross Profit

  • Profit Margin %

  • Units Sold

  • Total Fees

The order history will download a spreadsheet file that includes a full Order CSV export with all order details.


Important: The order history CSV will be created in the background and be ready to download from the notifications bar when ready.


Popular reports

Sales by Date / Time

This report is the default OVERVIEW when the Sales Report is first opened. To return to this view, select OVERVIEW in the SHOW dropdown and DATE / TIME from the GROUP BY dropdown.

Sales by Channel

To view a breakdown per sales channel, select CHANNELS in the GROUP BY dropdown. To just view the data overview of your channels, leave OVERVIEW selected in the SHOW dropdown. 

To view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the gross sales, shipping price, sales cost, gross profit, profit margin percent, units sold, total fees or net sales.

Sales by Product Brand

To view a breakdown per sales channel, select BRANDS in the GROUP BY dropdown. To just view the data overview of your channels, leave OVERVIEW selected in the SHOW dropdown. 

To then view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the gross sales, shipping price, sales cost, gross profit, profit margin percent, units sold, total fees or net sales.

Sales by Product Tag

To view a breakdown per sales channel, select PRODUCT TAG in the GROUP BY dropdown. To just view the data overview of your channels, leave OVERVIEW selected in the SHOW dropdown. 

To then view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the gross sales, shipping price, sales cost, gross profit, profit margin percent, units sold, total fees or net sales.

Sales by Order Tag

To view a breakdown per sales channel, select ORDER TAG in the GROUP BY dropdown. To just view the data overview of your channels, leave OVERVIEW selected in the SHOW dropdown. 

To then view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the gross sales, shipping price, sales cost, gross profit, profit margin percent, units sold, total fees or net sales.

Sales by Order Status

To view a breakdown per sales channel, select ORDER STATUS in the GROUP BY dropdown. To just view the data overview of your channels, leave OVERVIEW selected in the SHOW dropdown. 

To then view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the gross sales, shipping price, sales cost, gross profit, profit margin percent, units sold, total fees or net sales.


Sales by Country

To view a breakdown per sales channel, select COUNTRY in the GROUP BY dropdown. To just view the data overview of your channels, leave OVERVIEW selected in the SHOW dropdown. 

To then view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the gross sales, shipping price, sales cost, gross profit, profit margin percent, units sold, total fees or net sales. 

Sales by User

To view a breakdown per sales channel, select USER in the GROUP BY dropdown. To just view the data overview of your channels, leave OVERVIEW selected in the SHOW dropdown. 

To then view a breakdown of your date range for one specific column, use the SHOW dropdown to drill down into the gross sales, shipping price, sales cost, gross profit, profit margin percent, units sold, total fees or net sales.

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