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Add and Manage Suppliers
Add and Manage Suppliers

Add suppliers to Veeqo and start creating purchase orders

Updated over a week ago

With your supplier information populated in Veeqo, you can raise and track purchase orders in one place.

Add a supplier

  1. Go to Purchasing

  2. Click Suppliers

  3. Click + New Supplier, then complete the details for this supplier.

Note: If you would like to add multiple email addresses for one supplier you can do this via CSV. It is not currently possible to do this manually in Veeqo.

Import suppliers in bulk with CSV

  1. Go to Purchasing

  2. Click Suppliers

  3. Click the "Import" button and download the Sample CSV file

  4. Open the file with a CSV editor.

  5. To create a new supplier, leave the supplier_id column blank. Fill in the rest of the columns using a single row for each supplier. See the CSV column definitions below.

  6. Import the completed CSV into Veeqo. Your suppliers will be uploaded to your Veeqo account.

Edit suppliers in bulk with CSV

  1. Go to Purchasing

  2. CLick Suppliers

  3. Export your supplier CSV file

  4. DO NOT change the supplier_id field. Update other supplier details such as address

  5. Import the saved CSV file on Purchasing > Suppliers. Your supplier details will be edited

Supplier CSV field definition



Valid values


The unique number used by Veeqo to differentiate between suppliers.

Leave this blank if you want to create a new supplier.

When editing existing suppliers, do not delete this value.

Do not enter your own ID. This is automatically created by Veeqo once the supplier has been created

numerical "34" (automatically generated by Veeqo)


The unique company name of the supplier. This is used when selecting a supplier during purchase order creation

alphanumeric "Nike"


supplier_address_2 (optional)

The first/second line of the supplier's postal address. This is used for the documents sent to the supplier

alphanumeric "Warehouse 24B"

supplier_state (optional)

supplier_town (optional)

The state or town/city of the supplier. This is used for documents sent to the supplier

text "New York"


The zip/postcode of the supplier. This is used for the documents sent to the supplier

alphanumeric "10001"


The country code for the supplier. This is used for the documents sent to the supplier


The currency code for the supplier. This is used to calculate the exchange rate when creating a new purchase order

supplier_sales_contact_name (optional)

Optional. The full name of the person whom purchase orders should be addressed to

alphanumeric "John Smith"


The email address that the supplier's purchase order is sent to

alphanumeric ""

supplier_phone (optional)

Optional. The supplier's phone number. This can be used on the document sent to the supplier

numeric "929 234 1234"

supplier_bank_account (optional)

The supplier's bank details used for your own reference when paying outside of Veeqo

numeric "212324"

supplier_sort_code (optional)

The supplier's bank details used for your own reference when paying outside of Veeqo

numeric "00-22-11"

supplier_accounts_contact_name (optional)

If the supplier has a separate accounting contact, you can enter the full name here

text "Mary Brown"

supplier_accounts_email (optional)

The email address of the supplier's accountant. A copy of the purchase order will be automatically sent to this email, along with the supplier email

alphanumeric ""

supplier_accounts_phone_number (optional)

Contact phone number of the accountant. This is for your internal records

numeric "929 111 2222"

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