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Print Queue

You can now see your print jobs in the print queue and reprint printed documents within 72 hours of the original print.

Updated over a week ago

How it works

To send your documents to the printing queue, follow these steps:

  1. Print your documents from the orders page.

  2. Your print job will automatically go to the print queue.

  3. When your print job is ready to download, the number of prints which are ready to download will show on the print queue symbol.

  4. Select the print queue symbol when the print is ready and click open PDF to print from the PDF.

Screenshot 2022-04-12 at 10.16.18.png
Screenshot 2022-04-12 at 10.17.57.png

Note: When you click open PDF your print job will automatically be moved to the archived queue and will stay in that queue for 72 hours after the original print job was created.

Printing documents in bulk

  1. Tick the check box on the left of the orders you would like to print your documents for.

  2. Click Actions > Print

  3. Choose the documents you want to print

  4. If you are printing more than 10 documents we will need a moment for your documents to load. You will see a pop up at the bottom of the page to let you know we are preparing you documents.

5. When your documents are ready a notification will appear next to the print queue icon to let you know your documents are ready to download.

Note: This will pop up will close after a few seconds but you will see the number of unopened notifications next to the print queue symbol.

6. Select the print queue symbol when the print is ready and click open PDF to print from the PDF.

Reprinting documents

  1. Click on the “Archived” tab to see your print jobs for the last 72 hours

Screenshot 2022-04-12 at 10.26.10.png

2. Each print job will show the order number, the type of document printed and the time of printing in order to differentiate between your print jobs.

Screenshot 2022-04-12 at 10.41.10.png

3. Click open PDF and you can reprint your documents.

Note: All orders printed using our auto print feature will go straight to the archived queue when they are printed and remain there to be reprinted if needed for 72 hours after the original print job.

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