To find opportunities and ideas on what App to build for Veeqo, as a developer, you can check the opportunities suggested by Veeqo or you can read through what sellers are asking for.
Every quarter, Veeqo will collate the feedback it receives from sellers, extract the top opportunities that it thinks third party developers could work on and create individual threads for each opportunity to allow sellers and developers to discuss. Sellers too will create new topics with their idea/call for development.
Go to the Appstore community forum, in the section [Suggest an App]:
If you’re not picking up someone else’s suggestion but rather have your own intention of developing an app and want to probe seller appetite for it, you can create your own topic with a vote.
Click + New Topic
2. Give your Post a descriptive Title and as much detail as possible within the body of your message. The more information you can provide regarding your proposal, the easier it will be for sellers to understand your proposal and give you the feedback you want
3. Be sure to add a Poll to your post as this will allow other Veeqo users to signal their interest. Click Settings Icon at the top of the body of your post and Type “I Want This Too” in the Option Field and then click INSERT POLL.
Sellers can now Select “I Want This Too” on your post.
Be sure to lookout for replies on your post!